お坊さんと落語のブログ A blog of Buddhism and rakugo

お坊さん(浄土真宗)です。落語も好きで、歴史にも興味あります。 I am a Buddhist priest of Jodo Shinshu Hongwanji-ha. I like rakugo (Japanese traditional comic storytelling) I am interested in history.

『東京かわら版』11月号に「銀座の落語寺」告知がのりました。 "GINZA NO RAKUGODERA" in the November issue of "TOKYO KAWARABAN"


How did people of the Edo period (pre-modern of Japan, 1603-1867) know the time? This time's Rakugo is “Toki Udon” (Time noodle) by Mr. SANYUTEI Enjaku. Then, I'll talk about how to spend time. We hold the event at the Tsukiji Hongwanji Ginza Salon on November 8 at 7:00 p.m. You can also watch the streaming and the video.
This information has been on the November issue of "TOKYO KAWARABAN", a monthly magazine on Rakugo, and more.
You can book it on the website of the Tsukiji Hongwanji Ginza Salon.


仏教の説法とお笑いのイベント「ホウワライ」 An event of corroboration of Buddhist preaching and vaudeville performance

I watched "Howarai", an event of corroboration of Buddhist preaching and vaudeville performance at the Tsukiji Hongwanji. Some priests challenge telling Buddhist teaching through comedy. This time, I enjoyed three pair's performances, which suggested an approach to tell Buddhism. Then, Mr. TSUKITEI Hosei's Rakugo "Hirabayashi" (One of the Japanese family names) and a talk by Dr. SHAKU Tesshu and Mr. TSUKITEI Hosei were held at the event.
I hope you listen to Buddhist preaching with comedy. You will watch this event on Youtube.


どうやって時間がわかったんだろう? How did they know the time?

How did the common people in the Edo period (the pre-modern of Japan, 1603-1867) know the time? This time's Rakugo is "Toki Udon" (Time Noodle) performed by Mr. SANYUTEI Enjaku. Then, I'll talk about time. We hold this event at Tsukiji Hongwanji Ginza Salon, it begins at 7:00 p.m. on November 8. You can watch the streaming and the video.
You can make the reservations on the website of the Tsukiji Hongwanji Ginza Salon.


今月号は「茄子娘」 A Rakugo in the current issue is "Nasu Musume" (An eggplant girl)

Tsukiji Hongwanji temple has published the October issue of "Tsukiji Hongwanji Shimpo", a monthly magazine. You can read it online.
My column on the relationship between Rakugo and Buddhism is printed in the issue. I wrote this column about a Rakugo "Nasu Musume" (An eggplant girl). I'm glad if you read it.

コラムのページ The page of the column


安倍元首相の国葬について、BBCの報道 BBC's coverage of the state funeral for Mr. ABE Shinzo

The state funeral for Japanese ex-prime minister ABE Shinzo was held on September 27.
BBC reports the following;
; The state funeral was held despite opposition from around 60% Japanese public.
; The line of the mourners carrying flowers was over 3 km.
; Thousands of people gathered to oppose the state funeral.
; Many of those who oppose the funeral are older Japanese.
; Many of his supporters are younger Japanese.
; Mr. Abe was widely admired abroad whereas he was divisive in Japan.
This article positively evaluates Mr. Abe while covering the opposite opinions. In addition, it does not refer to the Unification Church.


なぜブッダは神ではないのか? Why isn't Buddha a god?

In almost religions, the believers worship their god(s). On the other hand, Buddhist worship Buddha. We do not call it a god. Why is it? Because Buddhists regard that Buddha exceeds gods.
In ancient India, they had a concept of "samsara," which is a belief that all beings repeat death and rebirth countless times. Those who repeat them are not only humans but also all lives including their gods. You may become a bug or a god and so on during samsara.
You may welcome samsara because you have lives after your death. However, ancient Indians were not pleased with it. The reason is that repeating rebirth means repeating death. They believed that the gods were also mortal. Even if you are born in "deva-loka" (places where Indian gods exist) and become a god, you are to die someday.
Thus, they did not consider that deva-loka is an ideal world. Instead, they aimed at "vimoksha", which is freedom from repeating death anymore. They believed that vimoksha was better than being born in deva-loka. It means that beings in vimoksha exceed the gods. Buddha achieved vimoksha and surpassed the gods. Therefore, we do not call Buddha a god.


落語から仏教を知ろう! Would you like to learn about Buddhism through Rokugo?

Would you like to learn about Buddhism through Rakugo? The theme is how to spend time. We're going to hold the event on November 8. The venue is the Tsukiji Hongwanji Ginza Salon. The Rakugo is "Toki Udon (Time Noodles)". You can watch the streaming and the video.
You can make the reservations on the website of the Tsukiji Hongwanji Ginza Salon.
