お坊さんと落語のブログ A blog of Buddhism and rakugo

お坊さん(浄土真宗)です。落語も好きで、歴史にも興味あります。 I am a Buddhist priest of Jodo Shinshu Hongwanji-ha. I like rakugo (Japanese traditional comic storytelling) I am interested in history.

だましを防ぐにはどうすれば良い? What can prevent deceit?



On September 15, we held "Ginza No Rakugodera", an event to like Buddhism through Rakugo at the Tsukiji Hongwanji Ginza salon. Thank you for coming and watching it.
First, Mr. SANSHOTEI Karyu performed a Rakugo "Hoshinoya". In this story, Ohana, a geisha, and a master of Hoshinoya outwit each other.
Next, I talked about deceit. We sometimes deceive others. The reason is that we like to regard ourselves as wiser than others. It is self-conceit. With conceit, we do not expect that they can find out about our deceit. It means that conceit leads us to try to deceive others. Besides, when we see ourselves as wiser than others, we consider that we can discover others' deceit. It makes us easier to be deceived. Thus, we need to recognize our conceit. If we understand it, we can prevent both deceiving others and being deceived.
We hold the next event on November 8.


「噺-HANASHI-」の「おすすめ公演」に載りました! Listed in "Recommended performances" of hanashi.jp


Would you like to learn about Buddhism through Rakugo? "Ginza no Rakugodera" is listed in "Recommended performances" of "HANASHI", a website on Rakugo. The theme is deceit. The venue is the Tsukiji Hongwanji Ginza Salon. You can watch it on September 15 at 7:00 p.m online as well as at the venue. You can make the reservations on the website of the Tsukiji Hongwanji Ginza Salon.


落語から仏教を知ろう! Would you like to learn about Buddhism through Rokugo?

Would you like to learn about Buddhism through Rakugo? The theme for the September event is deceit. We're going to hold this event on September 15. The venue is the Tsukiji Hongwanji Ginza Salon. You can watch the streaming anywhere.
You can make the reservations on the website of the Tsukiji Hongwanji Ginza Salon.


今月号は「万金丹」 A Rakugo in the current issue is "Mankintan" (A kind of Japanese traditional medicines)

Tsukiji Hongwanji temple has published the September issue of "Tsukiji Hongwanji Shimpo", a monthly magazine. You can read it online.
My column on the relationship between Rakugo and Buddhism is printed in the issue. I wrote this column about a Rakugo "Mankintan" (A kind of Japanese traditional medicines). I'm glad if you read it.

コラムのページ The page of the column


『東京かわら版』9月号に「銀座の落語寺」告知がのりました。 "GINZA NO RAKUGODERA" in the September issue of "TOKYO KAWARABAN"


Would you like to learn about Buddhism through Rakugo? The theme is grudges. We're going to hold the event on September 15 at 7:00 p.m. We stream it.
This information has been on the September issue of "TOKYO KAWARABAN", a monthly magazine on Rakugo, and more.
You can book it on the website of the Tsukiji Hongwanji Ginza Salon.


平和のために For peace

On August 15, 1945, the government of Japan announced its surrender to the United Nations. Therefore, we frequently discuss peace and war every August in Japan.
As we all know, war is wrong. We must keep peace and oppose wars. However, it is not enough.
We also need measures in case of war as well as preventing war. The measures can minimize disaster. On the other hand, a lack of measures brings us a more terrible state.
I hope the world is in peace.


降伏は良いこと? Is surrender good?

In Japan, when we discuss peace and war, almost materials of it are wars fought by Japan. We should also learn about wars in foreign countries.
In 1940, Germany invaded France. France immediately surrendered to Germany. Therefore, the battles ended soon. Since then, Germany had demanded the French government submit to Germany, including to assist the Holocaust. Besides, they also fought against the United nations. Some French people exiled themselves and kept resistance to Germany. After World War II, the new French government punished the heads of the dependent government. Thus, they blamed those who avoided the war. Whereas the resistants were praised.
In Japan, some people insist that if a foreign country invaded you, you should immediately surrender to the invader not to kill anyone. However, you may be forced to kill someone after the surrender. And, you can have to support the next war by the invader.
