お坊さんと落語のブログ A blog of Buddhism and rakugo

お坊さん(浄土真宗)です。落語も好きで、歴史にも興味あります。 I am a Buddhist priest of Jodo Shinshu Hongwanji-ha. I like rakugo (Japanese traditional comic storytelling) I am interested in history.

今月号は「お菊の皿」 A Rakugo in the current issue is "Okiku No Sara" (Okiku's dishes)

Tsukiji Hongwanji temple has published the August issue of "Tsukiji Hongwanji Shimpo", a monthly magazine. You can read it online.

My column on the relationship between Rakugo and Buddhism is printed in the issue. I wrote this column about a Rakugo "Okiku No Sara" (Okiku's dishes). I'm glad if you read it.

コラムのページ The page of the column


落語から仏教を知ろう! Would you like to learn about Buddhism through Rokugo?

Would you like to learn about Buddhism through Rakugo? The theme for the September event is deceit. We're going to hold this event on September 15. The venue is the Tsukiji Hongwanji Ginza Salon. You can watch the streaming anywhere.
You can make the reservations on the website of the Tsukiji Hongwanji Ginza Salon.


第二次長州征伐と浄土真宗 The Jodo Shinshu during the Second Choshu expedition in 1866

According to this thesis, the Jodo Shinshu sect had actively supported war since the Second Choshu expedition, which was a war between the Choshu domain and Tokugawa shogunate in 1866 (Choshu is an old name of Yamaguchi prefecture). During the war, the priests in Choshu encouraged the people to fight the war, and some priests fought in arms. Besides, Buddhist temples in Choshu offered their bells to the Choshu domain to cast into weapons from the bells.
It is well-known that Buddhist temples in Japan promoted people to fight the war and contributed their bells to the government in the term of World War II. It seems that the model was the behavior in the Second Choshu expedition.


仕返ししないで怨みを晴らす方法があります You have another way to solve your grudges without revenge





On July 20, we held "Ginza No Rakugodera", an event to like Buddhism through Rakugo at the Tsukiji Hongwanji Ginza salon. Thank you for coming and watching it.

First, Mr. KOKONTEI Shinjaku performed a Rakugo "Okiku No Sara" (Okiku's dishes). This Rakugo comes from a ghost story "Sara Yashiki" (The Dish Mansion). The ghost story is following; At a mansion in Edo (An old name of Tokyo), a lord had ten valuable dishes. One day, Okiku, his housemaid carelessly broke one of them. The lord got angry and beat her to kill her. After that, she became a ghost. Since then, she had come out of a well of the mansion and counted the dishes to curse him.

Next, I talked about grudges. Buddhism preaches that you should not take your revenge because you will be borne grudges after your revenge. In the story "Sara Yashiki", the lord hated the housemaid before she cursed him. You have another way to solve your grudges. Dr. NAKAMURA Hajime, a scholar of Buddhism, had been writing a dictionary for 20 years. After he handed the manuscript to a publisher, the publisher carelessly lost the manuscript. The doctor said, "The manuscript will not come back even if I get angry." Then, he began to write it again. Later, the dictionary was published. Once you achieve something such as getting praise, you will get some satisfaction. It will release you from your grudges without revenge.

We hold the next event on September 15.


「噺-HANASHI-」の「おすすめ公演」に載りました! Listed in "Recommended performances" of hanashi.jp


Would you like to learn about Buddhism through Rakugo? "Ginza no Rakugodera" is listed in "Recommended performances" of "HANASHI", a website on Rakugo. The theme is grudges. The venue is the Tsukiji Hongwanji Ginza Salon. You can watch it on July 20 at 7:00 p.m online as well as at the venue. You can make the reservations on the website of the Tsukiji Hongwanji Ginza Salon.


戦争を避けても戦争になるかもしれない War might occur after we avoid war

History shows that a larger war followed an avoided one.
In the 1930s, Germany proposed Austria the annexation. Residents of Austria were German as regards their race. At first, Austria disagreed with the proposal. Then, Germany threatened Austria showing its forces. Finally, Austria unwillingly approved the annexation in 1938.
Next, Germany targeted the Sudetenland of Czechoslovakia. The residents of Sudetenland were also the German race. The government of Czechoslovakia resisted the demand. Then, Neville Chamberlain, the prime minister of Britain mediated it. They held a conference on this issue in Munich, Germany. They accepted that Sudetenland belonged to Germany. Germany stated that it would not demand more territory. At that time, European people were relieved because they believed that they kept peace although Czechoslovakia's sovereignty and territory were sacrificed. They wanted to avoid war.
However, the result was not peaceful. Germany supported the leader of Slovakia to separate Czechoslovakia into Czech and Slovakia. Next year, Germany ruled the rest territory of Czech as its protectorate without war. Other countries did nothing except for blaming it.
In 1939, Germany invaded Poland. Britain and France declared to take part in the war. It was the beginning of World War II, which killed enormous people around the world.
Before Germany annexed Sudetenland, Germany compared its forces with those of other European countries. The conclusion was that Germany could have won Czechoslovakia but could not have won European countries. At that time, the armament of Germany was still less. However, Adolf Hitler foresaw that these governments would not fight against Germany.
If the European governments had denied Germany's demand, they would have started a war. In that case, Germany would have been defeated earlier than fact, and the casualties must have been fewer than fact. The compromise may have encouraged the invader's aspiration and brought them more terrible war.


政治批判は言論で It is speech that you criticize government

Mr. ABE Shinzo, a former Japanese prime minister was killed on July 8th. I am very sorry to hear the news. Some highly evaluate his government, and others are critical of it. Anyway, it is speech that you criticize government and politicians, not acts of violence. That is democracy indeed.
