お坊さんと落語のブログ A blog of Buddhism and rakugo

お坊さん(浄土真宗)です。落語も好きで、歴史にも興味あります。 I am a Buddhist priest of Jodo Shinshu Hongwanji-ha. I like rakugo (Japanese traditional comic storytelling) I am interested in history.

戦争を防ぐのは何だろう? What prevents war?

August 15 is the anniversary of the end of World War II in Japan. We often talk and hear about the ravages of war around this day. As we all know, it is essential to learn the ravages of war. However, I don't think that it is enough to prevent war.
For example, the Chinese Civil War occurred in 1946, which was the next year when World War II ended. And, the Korean War began in 1950. Of course, at that time, Chinese and Korean knew the ravages of war enough. Nevertheless, these wars occurred. That means that war can break out even if we know the ravages of war. We should consider what prevents war.
