この話では、男は鷺に飛ばされました。これは大げさですが、あまり多くの鷺を狩ると、それを持って帰るのに苦労することになります。男はそれに気がつかず、始めの考えを切り替えることができなかったのです。一度良いと思った考えは、たとえその考えに理由らしい理由がなくても、それを変えるのは難しいことです。私たちは何を良いと思うのでしょうか?私たちは、なじみがないものより、なじみがあるものを良いと思います。私たちは長い間この世に生きてきましたが、浄土にはまだ暮らしていません。だから親鸞聖人は、私たちはさまざまな苦しみのあるこの世を離れたくないと思い、まだ生まれていない 浄土を愛しく思わないのだと語っています。しかし、私たちは永遠に生きることはできません。いつかはこの世を去らなければいけません。だから、この世の命が尽きた後に行く世界を知ることは大切です。仏教はその答えを教えてくれます。
On November 28, we held "Ginza-no-Rakugodera", an event to like Buddhism through Rakugo at the Tsukiji Hongwanji Ginza Salon. Thank you for coming and watching it.
First, Mr. SANYUTEI Enjaku performed a Rakugo "Sagi-Tori" (Catching Herons). A man came to the idea of hunting herons to earn money. When he tied many alive herons to him, all the herons took off at once and made him fly with them. He grasped a pillar at the top of a pagoda. How did he get to the ground?
Next, I talked about what we regard as good.
In this story, the man was made to fly by herons. This is exaggerated, but if you hunt too many herons, you are to struggle to come home with them. He failed to recognize it and could not switch his original idea.
It is difficult for us to change our ideas once we think it is good even if it is unreasonable. What do we regard as good? We prefer what we know well to what we do not know well. We have lived in the temporal world for a long time, whereas we have not lived in the Pure Land yet. Therefore, Shinran, the founder of Shin Buddhism, stated that we love the temporal world with various kinds of suffering and do not adore the Pure Land, where we have not been born yet. However, we are all mortal. We have to leave this world someday. Thus, it is important to learn a world where we are to go after death. Buddhism teaches us the answer.