お坊さんと落語のブログ A blog of Buddhism and rakugo

お坊さん(浄土真宗)です。落語も好きで、歴史にも興味あります。 I am a Buddhist priest of Jodo Shinshu Hongwanji-ha. I like rakugo (Japanese traditional comic storytelling) I am interested in history.

占いが気になるのはなぜだろう? Why does fortunetelling attract us?

On September 29, we streamed "Ginza No Rakugodera", an event to like Buddhism through Rakugo from the Tsukiji Hongwanji Ginza salon. Thank you for watching it.
First, Mr. SANSHOTEI Karyu performed a Rakugo "Tatsumi no Tsujiuranai" (Fortunetelling in the southeast). In the story, A man was reading a fortunetelling while waiting for his favorite geisha. Once he saw her, he proposed a double suicide to her. After that, what would they do?
Next, I talked about fortunetelling. Buddhism has a negative view of fortunetelling. The teaching of Buddhism is incompatible with the thought behind fortunetelling.
Buddhism teaches us that the future depends on our behavior. Thus, we can change the future. On the other hand, the thought behind fortunetelling is that fortunes have been already decided.
Nevertheless, fortunetelling attracts us. We want to know what happens in the future. And, it is fortunetelling that states it.
We have cobwebs in our minds when we don't know what we want to know. It is the way to the truth to keep efforts to find something while enduring the cobwebs.
