お坊さんと落語のブログ A blog of Buddhism and rakugo

お坊さん(浄土真宗)です。落語も好きで、歴史にも興味あります。 I am a Buddhist priest of Jodo Shinshu Hongwanji-ha. I like rakugo (Japanese traditional comic storytelling) I am interested in history.

今月号は「干物箱」 A Rakugo in the current issue is "Himono-Bako"(A box for dried fish)

Tsukiji Hongwanji temple has published the January issue of "Tsukiji Hongwanji Shimpo", a monthly magazine. You can read it online.
My column on the relationship between Rakugo and Buddhism is in the issue. I wrote this column about a Rakugo "Himono-Bako"(A box for dried fish). Imitating is a way to improve yourself. Then, who is the model for Buddhist people?

落語コラムのページ A page of Rakugo column

I'll be glad if you read it.


新年のご挨拶 New Year's Greeting



2024 has just come! May this year be a peaceful one.
Even though a year changes, the important things remain the same.
The following is one of Rennyo Shonin's (1415-1499) songs in praise of the Buddha; Remember the spirit of Namo Amida Butsu (calling Amitayus Buddha's name) while you celebrate a new year.


「宗教なし」の人、世界で増加中 Nonbelievers are increasing in the world

この記事によれば、どのような宗教を信じているかという質問に対して「なし」と答える人が増えているとのことです。アメリカとカナダでは30%以上の人が「なし」と答えています。さらに、自分を "なし "と考える人が多い国として、ヨーロッパ諸国、日本、イスラエルウルグアイを挙げています。
According to this article, increasing numbers of people answer "none" when they are asked about what religion they believe.
This article says that more than 30 percent of people in the United States and Canada reply "none." In addition, this article mentions European countries, Japan, Israel, and Uruguay as countries where many people think of themselves as "none."


初詣は地元で Would you worship at a temple or shrine in your neighborhood?

In Japan, we have a custom that we worship at Buddhist temples or Shinto shrines on new year's days, especially from January 1 through 3. Famous ones will be crowded. But, we can worship where it is not well known. Would you worship at a temple or shrine in your neighborhood?


奄美群島復帰から70年 It has been 70 years since the return of Amami Island

On December 25, 1953, the Amami islands were returned under the governance of Japan. The islands had been occupied by the U.S. forces since World War II ended.
It is well-known that the U.S. forces occupied Okinawa from 1945 through 1972. However, it was not the only case that the U.S. forces occupied the territory of Japan. Japan had been occupied by the United Nations since 1945 until 1951 because of its defeat. After the end of the occupation, the U.S. forces still kept occupying several islands of Japan. Amami was one of them.


落語から仏教を知ろう! Would you like to learn about Buddhism through Rokugo?

On January 23 and March 22, 2024, we hold "GINZA-NO-RAKUGODERA" at the Tsukiji Hongwanji Ginza Salon. This is an event to like Buddhism through Rakugo, Japanese traditional comic storytelling. They both begin at 7:00 p.m.
At the January event, Mr. SANSHOTEI Karyu performs a Rakugo "Ikuyo-Mochi" (Ikuyo is a woman's name. Mochi means rice cake). Then, I will talk about pure mind.
At the March event, Mr. KOKONTEI Shinjaku performs a Rakugo "Daku-Daku" (An onomatopoeia of flowing liquid). Then, I will talk about imagination.
You can watch the streaming and the video, too. You can make the reservations on the website of the Tsukiji Hongwanji Ginza Salon.


成功体験への固執は失敗の元 Persistence in past success can lead to failure

On December 8, 1941 -- it was December 7 in local time of Hawaii-- Japanese forces attacked Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, a naval base of the U.S. forces. The Japan-U.S. war broke out. Japanese diplomats failed to declare war on the United States before the attack because they were stuck in preparing the declaration.
In the end, Japan was defeated and occupied by the United Nations. I've heard that Japanese forces had persisted in their past successes, which led to their defeat in the war.
During the war, the civil life in Japan was getting worse. Under the occupation, it improved. This surrender can be considered a kind of success. Therefore, some people in Japan insist that we should surrender to invaders immediately to avoid war. I doubt the idea is also a sort of persistence in the previous success.
