お坊さんと落語のブログ A blog of Buddhism and rakugo

お坊さん(浄土真宗)です。落語も好きで、歴史にも興味あります。 I am a Buddhist priest of Jodo Shinshu Hongwanji-ha. I like rakugo (Japanese traditional comic storytelling) I am interested in history.

「多田修の落語寺」が『東京かわら版』で紹介されました My column on rakugo and Buddhism has been refered in "Tokyo Kawaraban"

The May issue of "Tokyo Kawaraban", a monthly magazine on Japanese traditional vaudeville performances refers to the column on relationship between rakugo and Buddhism in "Tsukiji Hongwanji Shimpo" ,which is a monthly magazine published by Tsukiji Hongwanji temple. I appreciate it so much.
We can read the magazine online.

新型コロナウイルス対策規制緩和の動き Moves to ease the anti-coronavirus restriction




This article says that some countries are planning to ease the anti-coronavirus restriction with millions of people out of work.
For example, Spain will begin permitting children out of their homes for short periods next Monday. In Denmark, Tivoli Gardens will reopen in May. In Austria, Chancellor Sebastian Kurz said all shops would reopen at the beginning of May and restaurants in mid-May. He added he would pull the emergency brake if necessary.
In the United States, some states are also scheduling to ease their measures. New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio warned "If some of these re-openings are done the wrong way, it's going to affect all of us."
These moves to reopen come because unemployment has sharply increased. This article does not say the virus is shrinkig.


医療スタッフへのメッセージ Messages to medical staff

On a sidewalk at Ochsner Medical Center in New Orleans, someone wrote chalk messages to lift spirits of medical staff. The staff are glad of the messages according to this news.


『ブッダの小ばなし』、Amazon.co.jpで3位 "Buddha No Kobanashi"(Short Humor Stories by Buddha) is the third seller at Amazon.co.jp

このチラシによりますと、Amazon.co.jp で販売された法蔵館の書籍のランキング(2020年2月21日~3月18日)で、『ブッダの小ばなし』が3位になっています。ありがたいことです。

This flier says "Buddha No Kobanashi"(Short Humor Stories by Buddha) is ranked as the third seller among books published by Hozokan which Amazon.co.jp sold from February 21 2020 through March 18 2020. I appreciate it so much.



  • 発売日: 2019/07/15
  • メディア: 単行本

規制されても気をつけない人がいます Some people don't take notice in spite of restrictions


This article says that quite a few people in many countries are not paying attention even though some countries authorities strictly regulate the behavior of citizens to prevent the new coronavirus. They know that measures can prevent the spread of the new coronavirus, but they don't put them into practice. It is no different even in some countries which experienced SARS and MERS.
For example, a student in Miami, the US, says "If I get corona, I get corona,"
How should we convince them?
In this article, Ms. Leslie Martin, a health psychologist at La Sierra University in California and co-author of the Oxford Handbook on Health Communication, Behaviour Change and Treatment Adherence recommends appealing on in person. She says that word of mouth is more effective than mass communication from public health bodies. And, she suggests trying to image how we will look back on our behaviour after the pandemic will be over.
Let's stay home as much as possible, right now.


5月19日「おてらくごのススメ」中止のお知らせ Cancelation of "OTERAKUGO NO SUSUME" on May 19

I am sorry that we have needed to decide to call off "OTERAKUGO NO SUSUME" expected to be held on May 19 because of the new coronavirus. We are looking forward to seeing you again when it resumes.
I hope that the new coronavirus will come to an end soon.


街には人がいません Few people in cities



We are demanded to stay indoors because of the new coronavirus. Still, quite a few people go out nevertheless needlessly. This article suggests how to restrain their action.
Many people stay home recently. However, coverage often reports those who are outside. Such coverage could lead people to go out. So, this article proposes coverage initiatively report quiet cities and indoor people.
I stay inside as long as possible, too.

BBC shows several cities at high noon. There are few people in many cities. But we can find certain people at Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan. Even though, people are fewer than usual.

I hope that the new coronavirus will come to an end soon.
