お坊さんと落語のブログ A blog of Buddhism and rakugo

お坊さん(浄土真宗)です。落語も好きで、歴史にも興味あります。 I am a Buddhist priest of Jodo Shinshu Hongwanji-ha. I like rakugo (Japanese traditional comic storytelling) I am interested in history.

落語「干物箱」で仏教を考えよう Thinking about Buddhism through a rakugo "Himonobako"


皆様のお越しをお待ちしております。お問合せ・お申し込みお申込みは電話(0120-792-048)、E-mail (ginzasalom@tsukijihogwanji.jp)、または築地本願寺銀座サロンのサイトからお願いします。

On January 15 2019, "OTERAKUGO NO SUSUME" , an event to like Buddhism through rakugo will be held at the Tsukiji Hongwanji Ginza Salon. It will start at 7:00 p.m.

First, Mr. SANSHOTEI Karyu will perform a rakugo "Himono Bako" ("Himono" means dried fishes, "Bako" (Hako) means boxes). Next, I will talk about a relationship between the Buddhism and copying. We are looking forward to seeing you.

You can make the reservations by telephone (0120-792-048), E-mail ( ginzasalom@tsukijihogwanji.jp ) or the web site of the Tsukiji Hongwanji Ginza Salon.
You can make the reservations by telephone (0120-792-048), E-mail ( ginzasalom@tsukijihogwanji.jp ) or the web site of the Tsukiji Hongwanji Ginza Salon.


落語「猿後家」で仏教を考えよう Thinking about Buddhism through a rakugo "Saru Goke"


皆様のお越しをお待ちしております。お問合せ・お申し込みお申込みは電話(0120-792-048)、E-mail (ginzasalom@tsukijihogwanji.jp)、または築地本願寺銀座サロンのサイトからお願いします。
On March 5 2019, "OTERAKUGO NO SUSUME" , an event to like Buddhism through rakugo will be held at the Tsukiji Hongwanji Ginza Salon. It will start at 7:00 p.m.

First, Mr. SANYUTEI Enjaku will perform a rakugo "Saru Goke" (A widow who looks like a monkey). Next, I will talk about why we are worried about how other people are viewing us.

You can make the reservations by telephone (0120-792-048), E-mail ( ginzasalom@tsukijihogwanji.jp ) or the web site of the Tsukiji Hongwanji Ginza Salon.


ものまねは仏教と関係がある? Does copying have relation to Buddhism?


皆様のお越しをお待ちしております。お問合せ・お申し込みお申込みは電話(0120-792-048)、E-mail (ginzasalom@tsukijihogwanji.jp)、または築地本願寺銀座サロンのサイトからお願いします。

On January 15 2019, "OTERAKUGO NO SUSUME" , an event to like Buddhism through rakugo will be held at the Tsukiji Hongwanji Ginza Salon. It will start at 7:00 p.m.

First, Mr. SANSHOTEI Karyu will perform a rakugo "Himono Bako" ("Himono" means dried fishes, "Bako" (Hako) means boxes). Next, I will talk about a relationship between the Buddhism and copying. We are looking forward to seeing you.

You can make the reservations by telephone (0120-792-048), E-mail ( ginzasalom@tsukijihogwanji.jp ) or the web site of the Tsukiji Hongwanji Ginza Salon.


仏教書レビュー更新 New book reviews on Buddhism are released


・小山聡子著『浄土真宗とは何か 親鸞の教えとその系譜』(中央公論新社<中公新書>)

We have released new book reviews in the web site of "Bukkyousho Review" (The Book Review on Buddhism).
There are 434 book reviews in the web site.
We appreciate your cooperation.


自分をより良くすることは、他人に勝つことよりすぐれています Improving ourselves is better than defeating others




On November 29, "OTERAKUGO NO SUSUME", an event to like the Buddhism through rakugo (Japanese traditional comic storytelling) was held at the Tsukiji Hongwanji Ginza Salon. 23 guests came there. Thank you for coming. I appreciate Mr. KOKONTEI Shinkichi.

First, Mr. KOKONTEI Shinkichi performed a rakugo “Tenshiki”. A story of “Tenshiki” is following;
When an elder Buddhist priest was examined by a doctor, he pretend to know “tenshiki” though actually he did not. Then, a boy Buddhist priest asked the doctor what is “tenshiki”. But, the boy priest told the elder priest incorrect intentionally. So, the elder priest was put to shame.

Next, I talked about comparing ourself and others. We are tend to decorate ourselves. And, we are pleased with others' failure. Because we like to be superior to others. Buddhism teachs us that improving ourselves is better than defeating others. We often decorate ourselves, and sometimes disturb others. These might lower our dignity.

電動車いすと飲酒 Motorized wheelchair and drinking




The National Police Agency recommends that you should restrain from drinking while using motorized wheelchairs. Some people oppose it.

I agree that drunken people easily meet with an accident. But, if we were too strict, we might see following:
At a pub
"Welcome ! "
"Excuse me. Beer, please"
"Certainly. By the way, how will you go home ?"
"I'll walk to my home"
"Sorry, we can't sell to you"
"Why ?"
"You might have an accident while you walk after drinking"


三田祭の慶応寄席に行ってきました。I watched Keio Yose.



Now, MITASAI, Keio University's annual school festival is held. So, I went there.
I watched Keio Yose, a rakugo theater where the Keio University Rakugo Association's students perform rakugo. I was a member of the association.
The students are not professional, but their rakugo is fun.
Keio Yose is held till November 25. Why don't you go there?