お坊さんと落語のブログ A blog of Buddhism and rakugo

お坊さん(浄土真宗)です。落語も好きで、歴史にも興味あります。 I am a Buddhist priest of Jodo Shinshu Hongwanji-ha. I like rakugo (Japanese traditional comic storytelling) I am interested in history.






I tried to write the following in English. If I used wrong English, please tell me.

It is 6 days after that "OTERAKUGO NO SUSUME" is held. This is an event to like Buddhism through rakugo, Japanese traditional comic storytellings. First, Mr. SANSHOTEI Karyu performs rakugo "Rakuda"(Rakuda means camels. But, this is a man's nickname). Next, I talk about reasons of funerals.