お坊さんと落語のブログ A blog of Buddhism and rakugo

お坊さん(浄土真宗)です。落語も好きで、歴史にも興味あります。 I am a Buddhist priest of Jodo Shinshu Hongwanji-ha. I like rakugo (Japanese traditional comic storytelling) I am interested in history.

多様性が平和を作る Diversity builds peace


On May 9, I went to The 35th Presentation Ceremony of The Niwano Peace Prize at The International House of Japan, Roppongi, Tokyo. The Prize is presented by The Niwano Peace Foundation. I am not a member of The Niwano Peace Foundation, I attended it for a business trip of The Jodo Shinshu Studies and Research Center.
The Recipient of the prize is The Adyan Foundation. It was founded at Lebanon in 2006, it works on building peace. The 5 founders each belong to different denomination.
A commemorative address was done by Professor Fadi Daou, a president of the Adyan Foundation. It was diversity that Professor Daou emphasized at the address. She said "There is no diversity, there is no peace. Those who want to build peace without recognizing diversity, they finish by creating unfair and hegemonic situations, and generate sufferings and violence"