お坊さんと落語のブログ A blog of Buddhism and rakugo

お坊さん(浄土真宗)です。落語も好きで、歴史にも興味あります。 I am a Buddhist priest of Jodo Shinshu Hongwanji-ha. I like rakugo (Japanese traditional comic storytelling) I am interested in history.

戦争は悲しむべきもの We should regret wars


August 15 is the anniversary of the end of World War II. So, this month we often talk on wars in Japan.
There is one thing that bothers me. I sometimes see opinions that those who approve defense build up don't know misery of wars.
In the world, quite a few people underwent the disasters of wars. But, recognizing misery of wars do not always come to oppose military preparedness.
In Japan, recognizing the disasters of wars tends to come to be claiming unarmament.
By the way, I do not agree to unarmament, but I think that it should be restrained to use force as much as possible. We should regret wars.
There is a variety of views. Opinions on wars are not exception.


仏教書レビュー更新 New book reviews on Buddhism are released

仏教書レビュー | 浄土真宗本願寺派総合研究所

・今井雅晴著『六十三歳の親鸞 沈黙から活動の再開へ』(自照社出版)

We have released new book reviews in the web site of "Bukkyousho Review" (The Book Review on Buddhism).
There are 426 book reviews in the web site.
We appreciate your cooperation.


落語で知る、茶道と仏教の関係 We can know relationship between Japanese traditional tea ceremony and Buddhism through Rakugo

皆様のお越しをお待ちしております。お問合せ・お申し込みお申込みは電話(0120-792-048)、E-mail (ginzasalom@tsukijihogwanji.jp)、または築地本願寺銀座サロンのサイトからお願いします。

On September 12, "OTERAKUGO NO SUSUME" , an event to like Buddhism through rakugo will be held at the Tsukiji Hongwanji Ginza Salon. It will start at 7:00 p.m.
First, Mr. SANYUTEI Enjaku (He will change his name from SANYUTEI Haruba) will perform a rakugo "Cha no Yu" (Japanese traditional tea ceremony ). Next, I will talk about Japanese traditional tea ceremony and Buddhism.
We look forward to seeing you.

You can make the reservations by telephone (0120-792-048), E-mail ( ginzasalom@tsukijihogwanji.jp ) or the web site of the Tsukiji Hongwanji Ginza Salon.


少数ですが、カルトに惹かれる人はいます Some people are drawn to cults even if they are a few


Most people are not attracted by cults. However, some people are drawn to cults even if they are a few.
Now, I think one of the reasons is that they experienced quite something in a cult. My speculation must not be enough. I take my hat off to those who investigate factors that they were absorbed in the cult.


努力だけでは無益です It is not enough to only make an effort


The Buddha practiced hard asceticism. But, he stopped it because he was sure that paining himself was useless. Finally, he awakened by meditation.
It is not always good to make an effort. We need both effort and suitable knowledge to reach the goal.
I hope the victims of heat stroke will be less.


西日本豪雨への義援金 Contributions for victims of the torrential rain in western Japan


Hongwanji raises contributions for victims of the torrential rain in western Japan.
I donated to it though it was not enough.



仏教書レビュー | 浄土真宗本願寺派総合研究所



We have released new book reviews in the web site of "Bukkyousho Review" (The Book Review on Buddhism).
There are 424 book reviews in the web site.
We appreciate your cooperation.